by leighton_hubbell • Uploaded: Jul. 30 '08


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Description: Logo for a camping website focusing on outdoor activities for families. Logo appears in Rockport's Design: Logo
Status: Client work
Viewed: 5075

Lets Discuss

gthobbs Jul. 30 '08

man....too bad they couldn't have gotten %22CampSite%22 for the name. Still...I like a lot.

leighton_hubbell Jul. 31 '08

Thanks gthobbs. The company I've been doing all these camping related logos for has been acquiring quite a few domains and competitors lately. It's entirely possible that I might be doing that one, too%3B)

Lawrence Anderson Jun. 12 '09

Can't wait for this one to get used. The one on their current site is horrible.

leighton_hubbell Jun. 12 '09

Thanks. That logo will be replaced by this one after the site is rebuilt.


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