by leighton_hubbell • Uploaded: Jan. 17 '08 - Gallerized: Jan. '08
Logo for a manufacturer of children's UV-rated clothing. Revised.
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Lets Discuss
not sure about the descriptor line positioned under %22sisters%22. It creates a large visual gap between the words. very cute.
ReplyI agree especially considering the sun is centered. But nice logo and portfolio though.
ReplyExcellent work! I love it! Make me %22thinking%22, in a positive way, about %22Kasa Japanese traditionnal family crest%22: . Congratulations!
ReplyThanks for the feedback. I considered centering the type, however the 'y' descender didn't tuck the type in close enough. I do appreciate your comments.
Replyhaha this is cool!
ReplyI like this. I reminds me of a this but the babies are now young kids, I wonder if there's a teenage version out there somewhere?
ReplyVery cute %26 happy.....I really love it:)
ReplyAll right. I took the feedback into consideration and I centered the support type. Even though I was used to it being under the 'sisters', it does feel better now. Thanks.
Replyimpressive %26funny!Great jOB!
Replywonderful design
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