
by bartodell • Uploaded: Dec. 31 '07 - Gallerized: Dec. '07


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Description: A online children's brand that sells quality, trendy designer wear for babies mainly & kids up to 5yrs. Products are in retail stores and their own site. As you can see in the logo by focusing on the V in vogue, the children are holding hands. :)
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 5612

Lets Discuss

rambal Dec. 31 '07

I know it's you only did this..%0D*%0D*Nice..

OMNI Jan. 08 '08

I love the retro style of it all, the cream color on the bg is a great subtle touch that adds a lot.

firebrand Jan. 08 '08

Sweet. The slightly out of register pastels works really well, Bart.

design_uk Jan. 09 '08

This is lovely. Well done.


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