Potomac Harbor

by leighton_hubbell • Uploaded: Feb. 14 '08 - Gallerized: Feb. '08


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Description: Proposed logo for real estate development located off of the Potomac River. Revised.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 10222

Lets Discuss

gstaltig Feb. 14 '08

love this one. Would make a great poster in a clean bureau!

chanpion Feb. 14 '08

Part of the cloud is going into the windscreen of the boat. But this is very nicely composed. Font choice could be improved though.

sdijock Feb. 15 '08

I personally think you could simplify the clouds a bit - perhaps even kill the blue clouds in front. They feel like they're dominating your mark. I also think the hull of the boat could use some gradients to help define the curvature more. And I agree with chanpion about the type. I would stick with san-serif but heavy it up more.**Overall it has a nice feel though.

leighton_hubbell Feb. 15 '08

Thanks for the feedback, guys. Definitely some issues to think about. Perhaps I'll give it another look and run it through again.

Respiro Feb. 16 '08

A pleasant concept. Just one question: on the left side, %3C%3C that %3E%3E is a surf board or a yacht?...

gthobbs Feb. 16 '08

I think the font is perfect. Has a retro simplicity accurate to the genre. This isn't a type centric design. Therefore the type should support but not fight. It's good.**As for the clouds. If you kill the blue clouds in front the white clouds will overpower the white hull. As it stands the hull is the the focal point.

Lawrence Anderson Feb. 16 '08

I really love the illustration. I agree with chanpion on the typography.

drewboy Feb. 18 '08

Hi Leighton - I really like the illustration, but like the others, I think the type could be improved. Maybe Gill Sans or Hypatia?

mariozitow Feb. 18 '08

Looks like a clipart

leighton_hubbell Feb. 18 '08

@mariozitow*Is that a compliment? Or a dig?

leighton_hubbell Feb. 18 '08

Updated typography and adjusted some of the illustration. What do you think?

gthobbs Feb. 18 '08

%22Looks like clipart%22. What does that even mean? There's some awesome clip art out there these days. And SOMEBODY had to create it. Looks like clip art %3D Looks like art that somebody created for a specific subject matter? I don't get that for a critique.

gthobbs Feb. 18 '08

P.S. I like your tweaks. I didn't have a problem with the previous font but this does feel better.

chanpion Feb. 18 '08

Now thats what I'm talkin about! Nice update mate.

drewboy Feb. 19 '08

The type is much better now. Excellent.

firebrand Feb. 19 '08

Evokes the flying boat era. Well it is a flying boat of sorts.

leighton_hubbell Feb. 19 '08

Glad you like it. It's working better for me, too.

karenm May. 25 '08

Love it, but *very* strong resemblance to Amtrak.

leighton_hubbell May. 27 '08

I had no idea this design would be so 'controversial'. Thanks for the backup research, guys%3B)

difaye Dec. 02 '08

Beautiful! It belongs with these:**%3Ca href%3D%22http://www.flickr.com/photos/20745656@N00/sets/72157594296535170/%22%3E Swiss Posters %3C/a%3E

leighton_hubbell Dec. 02 '08

Thanks very much for the kind words.

michaelspitz Apr. 28 '10

Love the style on this guy!

Type08 May. 02 '13

Congratulations on getting featured Leighton! This is one of my favorite logos of yours from day one :)


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