dead dog ale

by lancegarcia • Uploaded: Jul. 23 '12


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Description: this logo is a product of my brain dump for school.
Status: Student work
Viewed: 822

Lets Discuss

bryanlauer11 Jul. 25 '12

I think you over designed this way to much. I like the details, but there is just to much going on. I would have liked to see less feathers and not a lot of detail.

tabithakristen Jul. 25 '12

My concern about this is it won't really translate at smaller sizes.

PhantomNerifes Jul. 26 '12

detail overkill much? this would be an awesome work of art, but as a logo this would be just a pixellated nightmare, especially on something small like a phone card. I agree with Bryan on this one, lose some of the details in it and it should be much better.


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