
by jenlogo • Uploaded: Dec. 10 '08


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Description: extreme sports blog
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Viewed: 2518

Lets Discuss

LoGoBoom Dec. 10 '08

The mark feels very appropriate for the funny car segment. But the italic type is moving left to right as the eye reads while the car is moving right to left.

THEArtistT Dec. 10 '08

LoGoBoom is totally right. Flip your flame car graphic so everything is going one direction.

jenlogo Dec. 11 '08

Thank-you very much cerise!**Hi Glen, Thanks for the float and your comment :) I'm not sure I follow you and THEArtistT about the direction thing. Is it the tires that are throwing you off? The way they are now they are showing more of a screeching to a halt instead of a racing forward motion. I dunno... maybe I'm speed illiterate %3B)*Thanks for your comment also THEArtisT!

gyui Dec. 11 '08

I think what they are trying to say is that your type and mark make the eyes %22travel%22 in 2 different directions. the car is pointed to the left, so the eyes tend to wander to the left. the text you normally read from left to right. The logo then would read easier if the car and text were pointing in the same direction. did I make sense or was i just babbling?:P

jenlogo Dec. 11 '08

Hmmmm..... ok, now I know for sure I'm speed and motion illiterate!! Thanks for your comment and view gyui!*All I can tell you is that when I designed this I wanted the type to have some forward takeoff motion and the car and tires followed that same skew. Which in turn, makes the tires look like they are screeching to a halt. Maybe the tires need to be skewed in the other direction?

gyui Dec. 11 '08

you can skew the tires another direction, but i don't think it's about braking or acceleration here. it is just the human brains perception that a car will move forward rather than reverse, which is why having the car point left means that people may view the car driving off to the left, which is the opposite direction of your text.

jenlogo Dec. 11 '08

Ok, I see what you're saying. I guess I'm concentrating more on the motion of the entire logo as a whole moving left to right like it's being pushed by g forces, and less of considering the type and mark as two things moving in different directions.


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