by ArtMachine • Uploaded: Apr. 15 '07 - Gallerized: Apr. '07
Name creation and logo design for an imaginary tiling company.
Critiques are welcome
Nothing set
Lets Discuss
tidy :)
ReplyBrilliant! Great concept! I would kill the horizontal tile though and a different colour to 'tile' in the name would be interesting.
ReplyThanks kaimere %26 chanpion. **All your comments are very welcome since I'm up to tweak it here and there cause I'm not very satisfied with it yet.
Replymaybe omit the black horizontal line and place above the text
ReplyUpdate **I agree on leaving out the black tile, but the different color of %22tile%22, I don't know about that. I think the concept behind it all is obvious enough. You just need to hear %22versatile%22 in combination with a tiling company and you got it. **Don't you think so?
Replyi know where chan is coming from regarding a different colour to the word 'tile' it would be interesting, but it does look good the way it is, good to see you got rid of the black long tile, was a bit of an eyesore. nice work artmachine, you have a wonderful showcase!
Replyi like it much better without the black rectangle. looks good
ReplyThanks to all of you guys.**
ReplyThis looks so much better. The way you have designed the V with the stair-stepping effect you achieve the negative space T without using the black bar. Superb in my opinion.
Reply@ Art Machine**How does someone contact you to contract your services to design a logo?
ReplyNot to be a total art nerd, but I enjoy the fact that most of you logos truly convey %22less is more%22.
Replyhey vectorRED, thank you.* **Most of the time %22simple is the most difficult%22, but yet it is most memorable and effective.*And I try my best to achieve exactly that.**
ReplyActually I can't do something else from %22less%22, since everything additional seems to be redundant.**:)*
ReplyDude, this one rocks! I have been watching the development on it. I'd say it's pretty much finished. I too love how you got the 'T' in the mark as well. Clever!
ReplyHey Ocular, very nice hearing that from you!**By the way your work is beauiful.
ReplyYeah, the initial posted logo was awesome anyway. Now this has gone beyond that. Wow, missed the 'T' part. Nice work AM!
Replythanks buddy, that goes for you too, I like your showcase.
Replyversatile, indeed!
ReplyI bet you could sell this one, name and all it's one of your best.
ReplyI thank you Mike. You know a place I can do that?
ReplyI love this and the rest of your stuff.
Replyyo art machine, you can sell it at
Replyyo logotivity, I have it up there. *Didn't exist in September 07 %3B)
ReplyThe above logo is copied from the below mentioned site....This is ethically wrong. Ethically very bad...*
ReplyThe above logo is copied from the below mentioned site....*This is ethically wrong. Ethically very bad...**
ReplyPlease visit the below url.***
Replymaybe vondoo purchased it off of incspring?... but check out the dates rajan, the vondoo site says 2009.. this was uploaded 2007... thats always a good hint as to what came first %3B)
ReplyHmmm, it's still for sale on Incspring. Not looking good.
Replyif this is the case then logopond should remove it from the site
Replyrajan ... do the math.
ReplyWhy should Logopond remove it from the site? As far as I can see this is Art Machine's work so perhaps you're jumping to conclusions.
ReplyRajan, you signed up just to inform us about vondoo. Are you in this company?*Looking at the dates, it seems quite obvious that Art Machine created this and Vondoo (or the designer who made this for them) ripped him off, no? How long has vondoo been around?**On topic - nice logo
Replyand whoever ripped Art off did a poor job with the font selection.. goes to show... people who cant design.. cant design!
ReplyLol, calm down Rajan. *No, they didnt purchase it from IncSpring so I guess they were just %22inspired%22 by my design. As the guys mentioned above, do the math.
Replyseems obvious Vondoo stole it whole cloth, but it is best not to jump to conclusions. have you contacted them yet Julian to get to the bottom of it?
ReplyI contacted them via their %22advertise%22 section on their website. They didn't respond. Does anyone know how else I can contact them?
ReplyMight be a number you can call for tech support.. I would start there.. Clearly they ripped your design.. considering you uploaded this FOREVER ago.
ReplyIf you know a lawyer, consult them. then, do a whois on the domain name owner. if it's private, have your lawyer contact the domain host/service provider to provide owner's details. also can do a reverse lookup on any phone numbers. your time and cost of hunting them down can be built into the suit you bring to small claims court. don't wonder at this point%3B take screenshots, then sue. they may back down at the first sign you're serious. but make a serious, whole-hearted effort. good luck, man. you deserve payment at the very least for this logo.
ReplyCase closed, they bought the logo.
ReplyVery clean approach.
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