by eziemac • Uploaded: Jan. 27 '10 - Gallerized: Jan. '10
Logo design for Orkney Campers.
Company rents out VW campervans in Orkney, Scotland. Overall shape inspired by the shape of the original VW wheel with a wee campervan in the middle
As seen on:
Orkney campers
Client work
Lets Discuss
%5EMe too.
ReplyI like the look, just a minor tweak. Orkney gets closer to the inner circle as it's wrapped to the right. The O is closer to the middle circle than the Y is.
Replycool volkswagen!
ReplyI feel like the type needs a lot of work.
ReplyLooks real nice:)
ReplyCheers guys, updated it.
ReplyLooks very nice now Euan.
Replyi like this one. brings back some memories. %3B)*nice job!
ReplyReally nice!
ReplyI'm going to call you patch.
ReplyCheers fellas :)**Anthony: That Thrasher fella said that before i updated it so hopefully his mind is changed now!**Why patch, Jared? If thats some kind of hippy name then i'd rather be called Roots. Roots MacKenzie.**Thanks Dalius :)
ReplyCongratulations, eziemac, on getting into the gallery. Nice work.
Replylove this little guy.
ReplyLike it!
ReplyIsn't 'campers' sitting a bit too high ?
ReplyReally good color choice
ReplyWell done!
ReplyReally cool Euan!
ReplyThanks one and all, a merry January 28th to you all
ReplyI think this is fun.
ReplyI don't know, I kind of like all of the type inconsistencies. It gives it personality and charm.
ReplyThanks matt, you have an amazing website.**Thanks Tabitha :)
ReplyLove it, Euan.
ReplyVery nice, Euan (*tip: read eps comment again :)
Replycheers mads **Thanks Muamer, just sent the proposals off to the client so if she likes it i will develop and work on it. Fingers crossed! :)
ReplyGot the okay to develop this further :D
ReplyAwesome...congrats bro!
Replycheers lad :)
ReplyFinished logo for the client. We both agreed that it was perfect as it was so I just fixed up the type and sent it off.**Cheers everyone :)
Replycheers buddy :) **The logo should be up on soon and on my website
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