by ru_ferret • Uploaded: Sep. 24 '13 - Gallerized: Sep. '13
just a thought on redesign :)
Just for fun
water lily
Lets Discuss
contest ???????????? ... looking forward to seeing more of this ... nice one, Nikita !!
ReplyBeautiful mark!
ReplyThis reminds me of the Christmas LP logo I made. ( But, I tried to make it look almost exactly the same so, it wasn't really a redesign LOL. This is nice. :)
ReplyGood work. Certainly fits in with the current flat, simple design standard that seems to be making its way around everywhere (that's a good thing). I'm not sold on the colors though. I would try an earthier green, this one is a little too RGB green. Also, to fit in with LPs current palette, why not try a dark brown background? Conceptually, I think that color fits better as well.
ReplyOh, great job, great simplicity. Agree with Sam on the colour palette issue > the logo looks far better with the original LP shades.
Replynice nikita. i think i prefer the lily pad with the sharp cut in it (but on the darker background).
ReplyMuch respect to Nikita, as an ode to him I used his flower as the middle of the redesign of the logo i was already working on ;)
ReplyMade me push it out sooner than I had anticipated :D, Dont forget to send me your address Nikita!
Replybest version
ReplyDavid...this is the one
ReplyIf this is on offer, I vote for it also. Nice one Nikita
Replythis is pretty damn solid, Nikita.
ReplyBeen seeing all these fine renditions but still feel something is missing...I
Replyoooooo, this is getting interesting. nikita, you should leave all of your variations up there.
ReplyI kinda like Carlove's 3d approach to the lily's center. How about now, Mike?
Replynot gonna lie, i think i just fell in love with your newest lily pad mark.
Replynow this is something i can get behind :D im still playing with mine also, with less petals, but still more than are here
ReplyI'm feeling this. Type is a nice match-up too.
Replyim feeling this Nikita. :)
ReplyNice work!
But can you also put some water vibes on there to see the pond feel on it...
I agree with Sir Mike(logomotive ).
Thank you. I think water vibes are good in illustration, but not in a logo.
ReplyThis is better than another new logo, congrat!
ReplyI like the simplicity, but the flower reminds more of a tulip, not of a lotus flower. The lotus has more petals and is lusher.
ReplyLook at this lion:
ReplyThis is getting better and better :)
ReplyYeah i get what you are saying about simplicity, but also that lion is trying to be a location marker also, the lilly is not trying to be anything else but a lilly. So far i think has the best representation of simplifying the logo while keeping the spirit of the original, which is what I set out to do in the first place.
ReplyThat's it. Perfect upgrade IMHO. I would love to see this logo on a refreshed LP site.
ReplyAt least this will be in my gallery. Thank you guys.
ReplyAs well it should be, Nikita, its a very nice logo, well thought out and executed vision of a revamp of logoponds identity and it will remain in the logopond gallery as a testament to that.
Replyi would also vote if favor for this geometrical simplified version :)
ReplyIf I can be honest, the majority of the versions of this idea I've seen (which includes a version I had a go at, but did not upload) are all leading towards a super delicate, almost feminine if they're promoting a logo website by day & then moonlighting as a make-up foundation salesperson by night. Is this the correct path?
ReplyWhilst I really like the designs that've made that gallery, I feel that they're projecting the wrong image...serenity instead of intrepidness, or longevity. The goal of the logopond redesign (in my interpretation) is not to compete with the likes of dribbble (without logopond, there never would've been a dribbble, etc.) but to take back some of the ground dribbble has claimed since its inception. You need a strong, assertive (not necessarily masculine) symbol to achieve that.
Just my unwarranted, random 2 cents.
Side Note: Please, please tell me that I'm not the only one who hears 'flat design' as the new 'in' trend and it makes my blood curdle.
I've been recently working on my web site and even though I have enough HTML/CSS/Javascript experience to code the site, I've decided to hire a real expert. If one wishes to build everything(logo, UI/UX, engineering, marketing...) by himself, that is absolutely fine, but for the best result IMO one should go with an expert for each category. You did a great job Nikita.
Reply'Side Note' you are not my friend :D
Reply@Rokac, that's fine but I didn't commission any of this, I woke up one morning and there was a redesign of the logopond home page on dribble and then this was created as a paring with that (which is totally fine and Nikia and I and everyone else who has been involved over the past couple weeks had fun doing so and thats the best part)
'the best result' is mostly subjective, there will always be people who hate what you do and people who are over bound with love for what you did, that's par for the course, all you can really do is alleviate stress by delegating/hiring others (and that's not always true, because then you have to guide those experts into creating your or the clients vision anyway). If you solve the problems you set out to right with your design then ultimately it will be a success, if you don't or cause to many new problems then it will fail. And it doesn't matter how beautiful your logo is if it does fail.
Look guys couple things. As much as logopond is apart of the community its still my baby, its still my site, and as such I get to determine by whom each element and piece and pixel gets designed. I am designing and coding the entire thing myself and there's nothing wrong with that. If logopond was trying to be a fortune 500 inc website or turn into some huge planet taking over identity site then yes maybe collaboration and hiring the best people at various walks would be the route to go, but its not and so that path is not the one that is going to be taken here. I'm learning as I build and tweek every part of this site into something people want to continue to use.
At the end of the day logopond will live or die by my hand. That might be selfish in some regards, but it allows me to guide the path of the site and take it in the direction I want it to go, that doesn't mean i don't listen/take advise/take help/hire help. But at the end of the day I'm not going to be forced into doing something I don't believe in, because its 'in' or fashionable or is argued as the 'right' way to do something by a few people. There are hundreds of thousands that visit this site regularly that I have to take into consideration when building /designing this site.
I doubt the majority of those people will stop coming to logopond because Nikitia's logo doesn't get used as the next version of this sites identity and I sincerely hope that none of you guys (the people who want to see this logo as the next version) will bail out either because of that...
What ever you do please don't end up with just cursive text for the logo. I know that is popular but like all popular trends, it gets old fast. I won't stop coming to Logopond if you do.
Replylol Jerron, the logo is actually finished, I'm just holding off on showing it til I relaunch the site in its entirety, and no its not cursive :D
Replyjerron, while i agree with you about a script styled word mark not suiting a Logopond rebrand, i couldn't disagree with you more about said style being a 'popular trend' and getting old fast. that seems to be quite a matter of fact statement when it's clearly opinion based. the art of lettering and calligraphy might have made a resurgence, but lest you forget, it is quite an immemorial practice.
ReplyI definitely have to go with Colin on this.
ReplyI absolutely agree with David's stance and can understand where he is coming from. I get that people are trying to help but I've found all of this crowd 'redesigning' completely disrespectful. It should have been suggested in a private and personal manner rather than going public through other inspiration sites and social media but unfortunately that's the sign of the times of late.
ReplyDavid, it's YOUR site, logo, brand etc. do what you like with it.
^ :)
ReplyWhat's wrong in going public, Gareth?
ReplyI tend to agree with Gareth here too, why I've stayed out of it all.
Reply@ru_ferret Read David's 2nd last comment and it should hopefully make sense. If not, imagine the roles were reversed.
ReplyI thought that's what made Logopond different.
ReplyI think some of you are taking it too seriously. People enjoy doing such stuff, you know. That opportunity of sharing something in public is truly a great sign of our times. For me it's not only about self-branding, its about getting feedback from the guys I love and respect in the first place. That motivates me to do my best. David is ok with this too. Honestly far be it from me to show off.
ReplyIf I'm being honest, I feel the way that Gareth is describing, but because I understand that this is not an attack on logopond or me but quite the contrary, invested members trying to share their idea of a new vision for the site I have tried to be as tempered and understanding as possible and put on a smiling face so to speak.
ReplyThe main issue for me is just the timing of all this, I have been working on a simplified logo and redesign of the site for the past few months but now in a very real way - an the comments by various members and nonmembers(dribble peeps) back this up - anything that doesn't blow ru_ferrets logo out of the water will be seen in a bad light, anything that doesn't immediately wow like the simplified version of the website redesign will be looked down upon.
It wont matter if it works better or helps people peruse and use the site in a more concise way. If it fails to be stunning visually, it will be maligned as a failure. Which has gotten my stress level up to say the least lol.
This is no ones fault, there are no ill feelings besides disappointment at the timing which cant be helped. Ive tried to participate and show you guys that I appreciate the effort, but some people have gone a bit overboard with the forcefulness of their demand to see certain things happen with this logo. which I can ignore, but it still puts a certain vibe out into the space which I will have to fight against when I do release the new design. Sigh, just bad timing :D
I think you should just put a frog on top screw the lilly flower. LOL!
ReplyI'd have to agree with Gareth here too. Might not be the right word but it borderlines as an insult to David (owner of LogoPond) to do something like this, and then publish it on his site.
ReplyAs far as I knew, this site was looking and running fine.
I am not really aware about what the Dribbble references are to be honest. I know I must have missed a big debate or something there. Anyway, that's the way I see it and I am sure that is not your intention, ru_ferret. So then, you do have to consider other peoples views when you are part of a community. And that's what LogoPond is.
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ReplyWe really love LP...:) So much of passion in the above chain of comments.
This is probably the most significant logo of the past year. Wishing all of you a Happy New Year! As always thanks for your participation and inspiration.
ReplyHonestly, I think I like it better!
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