by Mikeymike • Uploaded: Jan. 19 '11
WIP. concept for a company that makes eco-friendly biodegradable pots for growing plants.
Work in progress
Lets Discuss
is it legible enough?
ReplyYes! Great work. I see a guy with glasses. Maybe you can play with the center leaf and the hole of the %22p%22. Just my two cents...
ReplyI read it fairly easy.
ReplyThanks, Jedah.*yeah, daniel, I see the where the glasses are, but I was trying to go with the round part of the %22p%22 and the %22o%22 to take on the shape of leaves. May have to revisit this one. Hummm.
ReplyYup, much better!
Replyinteresting, Alen. I thought the other was easier to read. Benn looking at it too long maybe. Thanks.
ReplyWell, thanks, Toby for the feedback. appreciate it very much.
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