Niroche _V2

by Mikeymike • Uploaded: Jan. 07 '11


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Description: V2. WIP. logo for a company that deals in knitting yarn and materials. Other version can be seen at
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 1540

Lets Discuss

Mikeymike Jan. 10 '11

thanks for the floats, but this just got rejected also.*Thanks for the comments, though. :)

muse7 Jan. 10 '11

Two very different concepts - one retro and one modern. Both great. What direction does this client want?

Mikeymike Jan. 10 '11

Its one of those, %22i'll know it when I see it%22 types.

Sean Heisler Jan. 10 '11

%5E Ouch. Hopefully they are working *with you* to help get you there and not just sitting back as you serve up flash cards.

Mikeymike Jan. 12 '11

At this point I am not working for them, so I guess its fine. Time to move onward. I liked the designs, but they always have final call.


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