by firebrand • Uploaded: Apr. 30 '09
Logo for a now defunct company.
Client work
Lets Discuss
Please post links to any similar logos.
ReplyYep thanks for that, Dalius.
ReplyI do not notice similarity with some other marks ...
ReplyGood idea of incorporating the WMO into the mark.
ReplyDoug, Jan, thanks. Good eye, Sean. :)
ReplyNope, new one and nice one...
ReplyKinda reminds me of Sauron's eye, but that's not a logo %3B )*I didn't pick the WMO 'til Sean pointed it out - nicely done.
ReplyAlen, thank you. *@cseven: Thanks, CBS and Sauron were the only similar logos that came to mind. Cheers for looking. :)
Replymaybe something with wildlife, looks like a lizard's eye or a frog's eye? other than that, nothing else.
Reply%5EI meant to say %22I can think of nothing else%22 :P
ReplyThanks, George.
Replycall me a creepy old perv, but i see something else . . . haha
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