by eziemac • Uploaded: Aug. 25 '09 - Gallerized: May. '12
inspired by tree roots. For new age burial methods involving inserting liquid nitrogen into the body which then gets turned to dust. Ouch! WIP
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Lets Discuss
Bleeding hell! this is awesome!! get rid of the radial gradient though! this mark will look insane behind a solid fill...
Replyfloated n faved :)
ReplyNice mark, Euan. Liquid nitrogen certainly worked on the robot in T2. %3B)
Replyamazing execution...reminds me of the rangoli we do in India...
Replythanks for the comments, lads. I'll see how it looks on a solid background, John.
Replylooks better on the solid bg, nice one!
Reply%5E huh?
ReplyHaha. Gotta love Nima's cut and paste comments.
Replynima, are you a robot?
ReplyAre you trying to take credit for my work, Nima!? :P ill give you the benefit of the doubt so thanks! :)**cheers fellas!
Replynima...dude..Cool logo ezie.
ReplyThis logo ripples my heart.
ReplyNice ripples indeed :)
Replycheers ma lads! :)
Replyhey Nima, no disrespect at all but your English in your previous was a little too difficult to understand.
Replyprevious comment was what i meant to say...
Reply0o0o0o0o Really nice man, love it! :D
Replythanks man :)
Replyvery cool structure, nice work
Replyexcellent work with the mark. very nice details.
ReplyI like that P.
ReplyCheers Jerron :)
Replycool, I like it)
Replywow cheers:)
Replyneat) clever
Replylooks like celtic chain,like it.
Replytickles me eyes, very nice!
Replyman sure took a long time to hit the gallery! so well deserved!! gratz euan!
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