Featured: 'Unused'


Erik Munson

Hey, I'm Erik (The one with the snazzy shades over on the left,) my friends call me Tweed. I've been doing graphic design for years, and in 2005 I started Webologist Design with my partner Brandon. We're now Ipsum Creative, and we're going strong as ever. As you might have guessed, I have a pretty good sense of humor, and that shows through a little bit in my portfolio, although hopefully not too much. Take a look at my showcase, see what you think, and if you have questions about the weather, how birds navigate over long distances, how to tie a slipknot, how to perform a whipple surgery, or just want to say hi, give me a shout at erik@ipsumcreative.com.
- Many happy regards of the day, Tweed.


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