Austar Painting

by dikkers • Uploaded: Jul. 18 '07 - Gallerized: Jul. '07


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Description: Final concept for a small painting company. See showcase for some alternatives and please comment. Always keen for constructive criticism
Status: Client work
Viewed: 11006

Lets Discuss

xzentrico Jul. 19 '07

Really nice! I think this is the best of all the concepts.

Respiro Jul. 19 '07

A fantastic concept, a successful visualization of the message.**The fact that the left/lower end of the star is formed with the %22r%22 makes the logo even more precious.**Congrats! Outstanding work!

duckland Jul. 19 '07

The best proposal you have. Nice indeed

OcularInk Jul. 19 '07

Brilliant use of the R's negative space to create that portion of the star!! I like this a lot. The gradient isn't working for me though. How often do painting company's use gradients when painting a wall? Just a thought. Even so, very nice job!!

dikkers Jul. 19 '07

Thanks for the comments all. Yes it was my personal favourite, now let's hope the client chooses it! hehe.**@ Ocular -- I doubt that the final logo will have the gradient, i understand what you mean. I did a concept for a %22dripping%22 star and moved away from it as it hardly communicated precision... **Just thought i'd give it a bit of a web 2.0 feel for posting here on a website. It works ok without it. Actually, i think i may have given it to the client with the gradients, oops...

firebrand Jul. 21 '07

I agree with Ocularink. Nice work.

s7even Jul. 22 '07

DDDDa(m)n.. nice work!

dikkers Jul. 22 '07

Thanks Dudes. Love you TP logo S7even!**Bad news, client has come back with a word document filled with clip art they and word art of how they want it...**How does one educate people?

dikkers Jul. 22 '07

lov you%3Cbig%3ER%3C/big%3E TP logo i mean :/

dikkers Aug. 01 '07

well, convinced them to go for it, but we're going with a blue star, will re-upload when finalised :D

Flant Aug. 01 '07

I would be concerned about that name depending where they are trading. Not sure if you've heard of Austar?*Logo is hot

dikkers Aug. 02 '07

Yep, i am also concerned, but the client assures me it's all registerd...

neogrey Aug. 09 '07

I would replace the Avant Garde with lighter (than the AUSTAR) DIN Mittelschrift. Overall - good job.

dikkers Aug. 26 '08

cheers all, final settled on logo updated

BigAl67 Aug. 27 '08

Great work... you have my sympathy re the client throwing Word docs with clip art in them. I tend to use the old line - 'Sorry, my system doesn't recognise Word docs' Client should be happy with this result though.

dikkers Aug. 27 '08

Haha, i'll have to remember that line. This is the one we managed to convince them to go with.*

hindmarshdesign Aug. 31 '08

@ BigAl67: hehe... that IS a good trick.%0D*%0D*@ dikkers: Is this an Australian company?

hindmarshdesign Sep. 18 '08

Well now I'm really suprised that they're name is Austar. Sucks if they had it registered before...Austar...(the pay tv giant)%0D*Great work on the logo by the way!

dikkers Sep. 18 '08

Yeah i know, it was a concern of mine, but they assured me it was all ok. **Some times i wish i'd be asked to do the TV giants logo, or JetStar's, that design would work well as their logo with the fin of a plan instead of a brush... Better than their FedEx copy... :P

ManuelGarciaPH Jul. 31 '12

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A Fascinating Collection of Star Logo Design


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