
by dbunk • Uploaded: Oct. 31 '09


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Lets Discuss

firebrand Oct. 31 '09

Pretty sure it has but I can't find a link. I would be very wary about putting this up for sale. Wine bottles, glasses and cutlery - using negative space - has been done to death. Sorry dbunk, no offence intended.

dbunk Oct. 31 '09

I am indeed looking out if its done before. I know of wine glasses and bottles integrated together. Just wanna make sure if food and wine was integrated this way before. I take no offense :)

Momentummagazine Oct. 31 '09

I wouldn't be surprised if this hasn't been done before. Nonetheless, I like your execution.

epsilon Oct. 31 '09

Mark is really nice, but the type doesn't match. It is too heavy and it being rounded looks a bit too playful.

dbunk Oct. 31 '09

Agreed the type needs work, I chose rounded type coz the mark is rounded too. Pls bear me

dbunk Jun. 21 '10

perked my old design n so lookin for critiques


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