Need for India

by dbunk • Uploaded: Jul. 24 '09


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Description: Non profit org that helps in educating the less privileged youth in India.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 7858

Lets Discuss

OcularInk Jul. 24 '09

I kind of see something weird happening in the negative space of the mark. Does anyone else see that? You have some clever solutions, Sindur...but this one may need to be reworked.

gyui Jul. 24 '09

I see a crane maybe? or a path through some mountains?

j-CAZ Jul. 24 '09

I see a path through mountains as well. I also see the back of an elephants head with his trunk extended outward.

cobaltcow Jul. 24 '09

i think Kev was refering to the negative space section which may lead some people to think this is a fertility treatment center.

dbunk Jul. 24 '09

Wow.. minds lets loose Mountains, pathways all right... but the basic idea was to convey that education %5BBOOK%5D will lead us %5BPATHWAY%5D to having a better life. The book fold area form a bowl shape depicting a reserve that is waiting to be shared with the poor and needy! The colors used are of the Inidian National Flag** *Those that know, do. Those that understand, teach.*

OcularInk Jul. 24 '09

Nathan (cobaltcow) is absolutely right. That's what I was seeing. I immediately associated fertility with the mark.

dbunk Jul. 24 '09

Oops i need to rework on this right away!

dbunk Jul. 24 '09

Perked up, guys who have viewed the previous one, what r ur thoughts?

gyui Jul. 24 '09

i think the spine of the book needs to have a square shape to it, because with a rounded spine, the path will always look like sperm IMO.

dbunk Jul. 25 '09

Thank you so much GYUI, it worked. Hope its better now!

gyui Jul. 26 '09

what happened to the green hills? or is brown a more appropriate color for the terrain? glad the suggestion worked dbunk :)

dbunk Jul. 27 '09

Brown is it??? that color was meant to be saffron :). Was jus playin with the colors, as a matter of fact its the order of appearance in the Indian flag which is Saffron, White and Green with a navy blue Chakra %5Bwheel%5D..

gyui Jul. 27 '09

saffron is a good description for the color, just saying a general color name. I would imagine green being a more prosperous, more promising color than saffron IMO?

dbunk Jul. 27 '09

Yea, You got a point there, prosperous is the way to go. But just felt that having Green would lead to looking at it as mountains than a book.

gyui Jul. 27 '09

you have a point there, but when i saw the green in your initial concept, i saw grass and fields.

Tinak Sep. 26 '12

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