by dbunk • Uploaded: Aug. 06 '09
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Description: the grid Status: Nothing set Viewed: 2658 Share:
Simple and nice. Probably not as memorable due to a wide variety of P-D wordmarks out there, but great, geometrically precise design nonetheless.
O thanks Epsilon for looking in, learnt it from David %5BDache%5D Thanks to u too David for sharing. Infact every designer here in some way or the other has taught me coupla things :)
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Simple and nice. Probably not as memorable due to a wide variety of P-D wordmarks out there, but great, geometrically precise design nonetheless.
ReplyO thanks Epsilon for looking in, learnt it from David %5BDache%5D Thanks to u too David for sharing. Infact every designer here in some way or the other has taught me coupla things :)
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