by cresk • Uploaded: Nov. 11 '11 - Gallerized: Nov. '11
© Gert van Duinen | cresk design | idgram
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Just for fun
Lets Discuss
you know what I feel about it ..... a w e s o m e n e s s !
ReplyThe reason why dinosaurs actually disappeared :) Great work, Gert!
Replyhah nice one
ReplyThanks for your nice comments fellas!
ReplyMay I say this is amazing, awesome and fantastic?
ReplyGert, you da man. :) cheers!
ReplyRudy %26 Mike, cheers fellas!
ReplyNice Gert! Love it :)
Replyhole in one.
Replygoodness !
ReplyStraight to the bucket
ReplyAwesome. It looks great with this coloration.
ReplyIt has a nice balance. And that's even with this odd shape!
ReplyOski, are you behind this World Wine Play-off?
Replythis is what started it all...
ReplyThanks Colin, luckily I guessed it right as I rebounded that shot...
ReplyGreat logo design :)
ReplyCool concept!
ReplyA great solution:)
ReplyJust great design - well done! more of these please
Replynicely done :)
ReplySo the truth has finally been reviled.It was the plonk that got them in the end.
ReplyLol, pure rock 'n roll back in those days Fabian :)
ReplyI love it, Gert! Where did you find a Brontosaurus to model for you? Or did you just recall the form from memory? :D
ReplyShare with us that old bottle.
ReplyThat's some vintage!
ReplyFunny idea :)*Nice colors and negative space.*Wine that old ... that would be nice!
ReplyWine and Dine-osaur! Clever idea, well executed! Brilliant.
ReplyBeautiful work, Gert.
ReplyThanks Scott, appreciate your visit!
ReplySimple and clever. Bravo!
ReplySimple but power !!
ReplyA W E S O M E !!!
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