Werken Aan Merken

by cresk • Uploaded: Feb. 14 '11


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Description: Logo and monogram designed for Werken Aan Merken, a new Dutch branding company, aiming at creating luxury brands. Werken Aan Merken can be translated as "Working On Brands".                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   And yes I'm aware that there's probably a zillion quite similar WM concepts out there, even from the early 60's (I created special Flickr groups for vintage logos & vintage type). But rest assured it was drawn from bare head.                                                                                            Moreover, after some extensive research we did not find something 'exactly' the same.                                                                                            So, before jumping the guns, any looks-like-this discussion is really a yawn!                                                                                            See a recent Dribble of my design that was actually initiated at the end of december 2010: http://dribbble.com/shots/111366-Wm                                                                                Thanks. © Gert van Duinen | cresk design
As seen on: cresk.eu
Status: Client work
Viewed: 6626

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