Sailing Hub

by cream5 • Uploaded: Aug. 07 '12


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Description: This is for a sailing club for a local town. They use mostly wooden traditional sailing boats and wanted a vintage sort of logo. There's traces of some negative space incorporated into the identity as well. Cheers
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 6317
Tags: ocean navy

Lets Discuss

Type and Signs Aug. 09 '12

very, very nice illustration - clever concept !!

nydesign Aug. 09 '12

thanks TAS! had to brainstorm a bit to get to this one:D

ogtbarnes Jul. 09 '13

Man that S and the negative H with the boat is so strong I would love to see it without the sky and the nots, and with just a hint of water above the type. Your a Negative Space Ninja!

cream5 Jan. 17 '17

@ogtbarnes Thanks, yeah I might have gone overboard with this lol. Simplifying it like you suggested would clean it up a bit.


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