Reforger Films

by clarmont • Uploaded: Jun. 18 '10 - Gallerized: Jun. '10


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Description: Reforger Films is an Ottawa-based film company. The request was for a logo calling to mind the art deco period of architecture. The result is the central figure of Atlas bearing a film reel, complimented by a strong typeface and accentuated by a sunrise motif.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 17804

Lets Discuss

Gotty Jun. 19 '10

Wow, I love this!

dannygdammit Jun. 19 '10

The font feels very russian to me.. but either way it's an awesome mark. Kudos.

clarmont Jun. 19 '10

The Russian font was the whole idea, thanks man.**Check out under %22Design Methodology%22**Thanks for the feedback

actiondesigner Jun. 20 '10

has a very soviet propaganda style to the illustration. Dramatic and epic. Good work:)

plantingseeds Jun. 20 '10

I would never have guessed this was a Canadian company. I think you were right to choose art-deco (with its parisian influences) as a style for a canadian film company. But the logo, although is very cool looking, reminds me too much of communist russia with the colours and typography. Socialist Realism more than extravagant, luxurious, western art-deco. The man, in particular looks like he's struggling to lift the film reel, giving the logo a negative, oppressed-workman-like feel to it like the CCCP propaganda posters. Couple that with the japanese kamikaze rising sun and I don't get a canadian vibe at all. And you've said you were aiming for a russian influence (I looked at your design-sketchs in that link), but I personally think it's too heavily russian-influenced to be considered art-deco. Maybe I'm being harsh, maybe the client absolutely loves it like it is, and if so, then that's fantastic. :)*

c4creative Jun. 20 '10

Love the style of the logo, great job! When I first saw it I was initially reminded of the Beaurepaires logo -*Sorry about that. Beaurepaires is a logo I see twice a day, once on my way to work and once on my way home. So it is imprinted into my brain.

plantingseeds Jun. 21 '10

%5E%5Einteresting read. Thanks for clarifying the influences in dept. As I said, if the client loves the solution then that's fantastic. :)

clarmont Jun. 21 '10

Just saw the film works logo. I like it a lot.**Thanks for the heads up on that. I think it's used a lot actually. check out this: *

Unique Design Jul. 28 '10

Beatiful logo! Like the old-style illustration and type...


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