by chrisrojo • Uploaded: Sep. 06 '09
Logo for a tequila.The font was inspired in the maguey plant.
Nothing set
Lets Discuss
me gusta chris, felicidades, y que bueno que ganaron ayer 3-0 no?
Replyjajaj, Gracias Rudy, me alegra que te guste y si ahora vemos la calificaci%F3n al mundial como algo mas posible!! :)
Replysweeet type work mate! does it have a home or is it up for grabs?
ReplyVery nice typo!
ReplyYeah - definitely nice type. The Tequila part annoys me a bit though.
ReplyExy type mate!
Replybeautiful type
ReplyThanks Guys, i really apreciate! :)
Replygood type work.
Replyvery unique!
Replynice type)
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