by chrisrojo • Uploaded: May. 24 '09
This logo was inspired by a graffiti located on the way from my home to my work. I move in bus to my work so i have plenty of time to observe the environment and this graffiti in particular captivated my imagination. Hope you like it. thanks :)
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Replyhaha thanks gareth!
ReplyVery cool, but the whole really creeps me out for some reason.
Reply*whole %3D whale
ReplyCool, but the whale kinda creeps me out.
ReplyI would have to agree with lucidity, the whale kind of creeps me out. makes me think toothpaste.
ReplyI thought balloon animal.
Replyi'm thinking Witchetty Grub..*
Replyit's a great idea and I do agree... I see a phallic figure tho it's creepy because the head looks smily and kinda childish, tho... the little hole squirting water makes me think of a phallic form...but then the colors dont' match with that that concept is kinda twisted...
Replycool idea but it's not like a whale
ReplyI think it's very whale like. It works for me!
ReplyI still can't figure this one out?
ReplyIs it Casper the friendly whale?
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