Building Explorer

by apostol • Uploaded: Apr. 27 '07 - Gallerized: May. '07


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Description: This logo is for a BIM application, Building Explorer (in development by EZ Build). A simple conjunction of B and E formed by a stack of bricks.
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Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 17020

Lets Discuss

chanpion Apr. 27 '07

Brilliant! Excellent concept. Although I wouldn't mind seeing abit more breathing space between the mark and the name. And I know the name is centred perfectly to the mark as a whole but moving it a fraction to the left would look more balanced. Sorry, its just me being picky. I still love this. Nice job apostol.

Thomas Apr. 27 '07

Excellent work! A very clever combination: IBM logo, bricks, B and E... So sorry to have the same opinion than Chanpion... The type seems to be crushed by this building-mark.

logomotive Apr. 27 '07

LOVE IT! mark seems a bit large though.

OcularInk May. 12 '07

Agree with all the above comments. Good work, though!! :-)

muku May. 15 '07

very clever mark, love it!

liambeattie May. 22 '07

The icon works well, but i dont feel that the text it working with the icon. Also the colours are a bit nasty, would address this soon. Nice idea and form on the icon though!


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