Korporal v2

by actiondesigner • Uploaded: Mar. 12 '10


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Description: Korporal (the equivalent to corporal) A media production company in Norway. The distinction being a corporal in Norway are the two
Status: Client work
Viewed: 2719

Lets Discuss

JoePrince Mar. 12 '10

Same idea has been done already, I'm sure other places as well:*http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/95621

actiondesigner Mar. 12 '10

ARE YOU MENTAL OR SOMETHING??? What the hell has Barker got to do with the corporal distinctions. Can someone please shut this guy up. I have been patient with you but this is just idiocy!!!! **http://www.webstaff.no/550000%2520Desert%2520Outfit/550200.htm

Chad Sanderson Mar. 12 '10

I have to say though, there really isn't much basis for comparison...

raja Mar. 12 '10

actiondesigner , don't sweat it, some dudes don't have too much to do but spread negativity, anyway, nice logo, and there is no comparison like chad said

OcularInk Mar. 12 '10

%5E %5E Agreed. %5E %5E

JoePrince Mar. 12 '10

Similar or not, just pointing it out. I know they both serve different purposes but thought he'd like to see it in case there was an issue. I do like the idea behind your design though.

kaimere Mar. 12 '10

@Joe whats the idea ? and how do the two appear similar ... **Your missing the point ... again

JoePrince Mar. 12 '10

Like David said, if you don't want anyone commenting then red flag your work. That's all there is to it.

kaimere Mar. 12 '10

%5E@David so thats the idea of Logopond !!! ...

actiondesigner Mar. 12 '10

Thank God!! Order is restored ...for now:))

kaimere Mar. 12 '10

@Climax will send you an email rather than litter the designers post with my indignation.

raja Mar. 12 '10

david, then you are calling us blind...assinine isn't that?**The word similarity is subjective, more so in logo design. I also point out when logos are similar as a heads up, when the instance is almost an exact duplication.**Obviously actiondesigner wants commentary, that is why he has not red flagged it, should he be hounded to block comments? or should he state his opinion?**And about you being sick and tired about the 'spread negativity' comments, you too have the choice not to read them (even though its your site :D )**Like Elanor said, 'no one can make you feel inferior without your consent' so if you are concerned about what your users feelings, perhaps they have a thicker skin than you may think

logoholik Mar. 12 '10

for what is worth, i feel that both first two comments on this page were out of place...

kaimere Mar. 12 '10

@Dave no sarcasm there its actually a retort and an intention %3C--- thats sarcasm

raja Mar. 12 '10

david it's the tons of email you get that we don't see - make that stuff public - why is everyone going to you for the rescue**I respect you are keeping things civil here, as there are students watching these posts, and some remarks are out of line but in that same vein, people should know to stand up for them selves, also know that they will have support of community members if the logo they post is righteous (not so much their comments). My main concern is the fact that red flaggin is THE most counter productive thing one can do.**We too, get a ton of emails saying %22thanks for saying what I couldn't%22..or %22you speak for many of us%22**OK that's enough right David? I hope you get another 50 emails regarding this post and it keeps you from being productive today hahaha

OcularInk Mar. 12 '10

Joe, not trying to pick on you, but your comment wasn't much of a critique. Sure there are similarities, but the two logos aren't even close. If I create two logos that both use apples in the mark, but they are completely different in execution, are they the same logo? Since an apple has been used before, am I not aloud to ever use an apple again? Action might have reacted a little boldly, but I recall Joe doing the same thing on another one of his logos. Perhaps he feels like he's being attacked. Just rambling...

Chad Sanderson Mar. 12 '10

%5E This is exactly how I see it.

actiondesigner Mar. 12 '10

@OcularInk. I envy your memory:) Im a designer filled with passion and my comment was maybe unprofessional - but Ocular is SPOT ON. Go see my comment history. Do I mind critic or comments?? NO. Do I mind if people are calling you a plagiarist every time you upload a logo? YES. Could this damage my reputation? YES. Do I rely on good reputation to get clients? YES. Do I mind if people are making me aware that there are similar logos out there? NO. Did I point out that JoePrince where out of line on previous comments before making my MENTAL remark? YES. Could David control some of the comments so that I didnt feel like being singled out? YES.

mcdseven Mar. 12 '10

I cant see the similarities here myself, and these type of arguments are good ways of people getting stuff of their chest as long as there no grudges. So back to the original subject which is critique of this logo... I like it Actiondesigner, looks the part both in name and execution and it has substance. Would like to see it in it own color scheme (instead of the reverse white), to see what way you would treat the chevron and the k (two colors, one?), have you made a logomark out of the chevron and K yet or is that on the cards, can see it sitting beautifully in some sort of roundel/enclosure like an army badge, regardless, great stuff.

actiondesigner Mar. 12 '10

And yes I sent David an email regarding this. Why? First of I didnt want to use this thread about this matter. And why shouldnt I send an email when I find something out of line? Its not a matter of %22david, someone is picking on me%22 or that I take things personal just because I dont want people to have something bad to say about my work. I HATE comming across as whiny. An email is a good place to express views, likes, dislikes - and yes, this time I took offence. And its not about people %22got my back%22 or not - maybe a public opinion that there is a line to be drawn. I regret making my MENTAL remark - I even tried a few *@/ to cover the mental part, but I was afraid that someone already had done that consept elsewhere %3B)

actiondesigner Mar. 12 '10

now ...where were we @mcdseven: Good points. I havent tried different color schemes yet. Regarding the chevron and K I have one example of it placed over the type http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/97669**Enclosure like an army badge is a great idea bringing it all home

nido Mar. 12 '10

holy... did anyone see what JoePrince said!...

mcdseven Mar. 12 '10

%5Eat actiondesigner, just looked at that other version and the mark is perfect, the stencil/military style font is great, its not from www.gestalten.de see link below is it (because its a face I have been dying to use)**http://www.gestalten.com/fonts/freefonts/details.html?id%3D14**Good stuff.

epsilon Mar. 12 '10

me /grabs popcorn

duhbra Mar. 12 '10

(Getting back to the critics) *The aesthetic is beautifully well done but I didnt understand the concept, what military simbols and typography has to do with media production?

actiondesigner Mar. 13 '10

@duhbra: actually a good point. I was given the name by the client and really cant do anything about that. The corporal and chevron integration I think holds within the name given. What Im trying to do is (and that I actually see already) is that the K and the chevrons resembles the %22skip backward%22 symbol. But still a WIP, so thanks for your feedback:)


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