Thau & Partnere

by actiondesigner • Uploaded: Feb. 19 '08


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Description: In progress
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 3461

Lets Discuss

actiondesigner Feb. 22 '08

Thanks raja. Not sure what else to do here? I just like the negative space. Could experiment with shapes, but think that would ruin the effect it has now!

OcularInk Feb. 22 '08

Perhaps the negative space of the P (the blue part) could be sligtly larger? It's weight seems to light in comparison to the weight of the 'T' side. But even so, this is a nice and conceptual design. The average folk will be surprised when they realize what the icon is. Kudos, dude!!

actiondesigner Feb. 22 '08

Thanks for the input OcularInk. I have done some adjustments back and forth. Im a bit concerned that the P becomes a D, but I havent experimentet enough though. And thanks for liking it:) cheers

actiondesigner Feb. 22 '08

There. Did a slight adjustment of the P, and it turned out quite nice. Looks more balanced now. Thanks a lot%3B-).


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