by actiondesigner • Uploaded: Feb. 15 '10
Logo made for a magzine article header published in Norway last year. MINIMAL is universal ...ALFA is short for ALPHABET in norwegian. The article was all visuals except text, type etc.
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Published last year? I still find it very strange it is uploaded right after Danzk makes the gallery.
ReplyLOL bit of an ignorant statement Joe, life does exist outside of the ripples on the pond
Reply%5EIgnorant, how is that ignorant? If it was published last year then why was it uploaded within 24 hours of Danzk making the gallery? The concept is exactly the same just using different words. That is cause of concern in my book.
Reply%5Elooool like i said ignorant ... and apologies for littering your post actiondesigner great work as usual.**@Joe there are logos which you havent seen which are not posted on the pond.. just think bad form mate your acting like a princess
ReplyWoah dude, you need to settle down.
Replyi am calm mate but ya get my point
ReplyJoe , there really is a much bigger world than the pond out there. Maybe him seeing it in the gallery reminded him of what he did last year. I have over 3000 logos sitting in my folder here, I don't upload my life to the net. Don't be so concerned.**and Mike is settled as they come**nice work actiondesigner, as usual*
Reply%5E%5EOkay my apologies.
ReplyI agree with the comment that Mike is settled... just you never know where %3Bp**nice m n i m l st c work action...
ReplyMister Jones has some logos with similar style right here on the pond.**
Reply@JoePrince. I dont know how old you are or how far in your profession you have advanced. Like Raja said, many of us have so many logos unpublished on the pond. As for the pond, I use it as my portfolio site. Dont misunderstand me. Its a really good thing that you keep a watchfull eye on things - I know, because Im somewhat of a pioneer when it comes to question logos thats been done before. Also having many of my logos literally traced I know first hand how thats like.**Now JoePrice. The reason why I question your professionalism, say agains myself you know what a concept means. If you compare the two logos you know that there are tons of logos made with this font execution. Have a look at this beautiful logo by Mister Jones:**So ...then we come to the word concept. Do you see what conceptually differs a whole lot from the other logo you are refering to?? Does the word MINIMAL ring a bell. I have seen so many logos made with piano keys ...before and after Wesinger. There is a BIG world outside Logopond and that is where I belong. Please respond if you may
Replyah beat me to it Ocular:)
Reply%5EI completely agree with you and I was out of line to make accusations like that prior. I already stated my apology and thank you for your insight.
ReplyLOL!! Cheers, action! Joe, we've got nothin' but love for ya, bud.
ReplyGreat with a heated argument, as long as we keep it informative. Go ahead and question if you feel its valid long as it's constructive. I dont hold any grudges what so ever.
ReplyWell I like it.
ReplyTalk about concepts... if only I had trade marked that swooshy mark i designed for that shoe company called nick or nike or something like that...**Ah the pond needs a good ding dong every now and again. Anyways nice work Action designer.
ReplyI like it too! The placement of the TM is perfect. And although I know I'm late- I think Joe did the right thing, if not said in the best words. How many times have we seen rip-offs, from amateurs and professionals alike? *coughnimacough* It's our job to make sure nothing is over-inspired. Like action said, if it really is a designers own work, he would have no problem defending it himself. Unsaid assumptions could be a great designers downfall.***floated*
ReplyOh.. Thanks Joe for being so defensive of my Danzk logo - nice to see some passion! **It's pretty scary how often stuff like this happens. There is nothing more terrifying when some points a finger at you for copying when you know you've sat there in a windowless basement with a sketchpad and come up with the idea. Frustrating to say the least.**Anyway, I've floated it%3B I'm just a little concerned on how easy it is to read. I have to admit I struggled with it when scanning past it in the comments list.
ReplyNice mark.
ReplyInstant read. Very cool!
Reply%5E%5EI think this might be another one of those '%3Ca href%3D%22 Research%3C/a%3E' situations...? The read is obviously a little trippy, but when it comes down to it all of the important forms are there %3E and it just seems to click...
ReplyNice! (Yeah, I agree with Raja:)
ReplyThanks all for your comments and feedback. Much appreciated:)
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