The Wandering Bean

by VERG • Uploaded: Dec. 01 '12


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Description: Inspired by some chalk art I saw recently, I decided to get all cursive for a rebrand of my brothers coffee cart business. The little bean dude I created many years ago had to be included along with the tagline which was part of their existing brand.
As seen on: VERG
Status: Client work
Viewed: 6013
Tags: lettering calligraphy Coffee

Lets Discuss

vergad Dec. 02 '12

Why thank you kind people

contrast8 Dec. 03 '12

Amazing lettering Matt :)

chanpion Dec. 03 '12

Bloody hell Matt, do you ever sleep?

Well I guess you\'ve got plenty of wake-up juice!

Vergad Dec. 03 '12

Thank you Deividas for the continued support. And mr Chan, ha! With 2 kids, a job I love and early morning surfs thrown in the mix, who needs 9 hrs? thanks also buddy for the comments

Sean Heisler Dec. 04 '12

Awesome again, Matt! Looks spectacular on the cups.

Vergad Jan. 18 '13

Cheers Sean. Don\'t suppose you know the correct science to effectively warping an image on the artwork file so that it doesn\'t look distorted on the cup when printed?

BuroBlauwBrug Mar. 25 '13

Great walking bean up there :D

vergad Mar. 25 '13

Cheers Buro. Love that little guy.


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