Beige Peacock

by Type08 • Uploaded: Nov. 13 '08 - Gallerized: Nov. '08


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Description: Bookstore.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 8295

Lets Discuss

onesummer Nov. 14 '08

i thought they were hands or feet or something..maybe i'm not 'getting it' ?

Type08 Nov. 15 '08

@ Yurko: thanks!*@ OneSummer: those are hands. The idea was to make a difference between the 'old fashioned' bookstore and 'new' online stores, using elements of hands (holding a real printed book, for e-books you just need eyes), peacock (spread pages of the book) and beige color (old book/paper)... So, take some old book in your hands, browse fast through the pages and yell 'Beige Peacock'! You'll see that you'll have some fun (what designing should be, in a way)... :)

ddd Nov. 17 '08

hmmm...I see the hands. I dont get it tho. Doesn't seem well executed. I read your explanation and I still do not see it. I like the font choice but the kerning is kinda not doing it for me.

Type08 Nov. 17 '08

Muchas gracias, Mente!

dsauna Nov. 20 '08

para mi es perfectamente claro, exelente!

Type08 Nov. 20 '08

Muchas gracias, Dsauna! My Spanish is suicidally bad, but 'perfectamente' and 'exelente' sound nice! :)

nido Nov. 20 '08

he also called you a claro!.. nice work though.. you damn claro you!

Type08 Nov. 20 '08

LOL, thanks Nido! I thought that it meant something like that, but then again, after that REPUTTO case we all have to be a bit more careful here! :) :)

Type08 Dec. 11 '08

Seb, thanks buddy!


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