Cool Combo

by Type08 • Uploaded: Nov. 15 '08 - Gallerized: Dec. '08


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Description: Online communication app.
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Viewed: 8852

Lets Discuss

epsilon Nov. 15 '08

Nice mark, but it's more fit for a remote assistance applications and such, i.e. for those that require people to __constantly__ wear the headset.

epsilon Nov. 15 '08

.. or rather to be using the phone so much as to justify wearing the headset.

Type08 Nov. 15 '08

@ Martha: thanks a lot!*@ Epsilon: wide variety of usage my friend, people that often use internet phones and/or make conference calls use this kind of headsets... It's all good! :)

epsilon Nov. 15 '08

Oh, sure, I know that. I'm saying that a dude-in-a-headset is routinely used in branding of remote support solutions including some high-profile end-user ones. So for a lot of people it is already firmly associated with that type of software, and using it for something else may be plain confusing (no matter how much more appropriate it is).**I am partial to the company that develops remote assistance software, so in this particular case I know what I'm talking about :-)

Type08 Nov. 16 '08

Thank you, Nomadic! :)

THEArtistT Dec. 06 '08

I have to admit I was thinking singer or recording artist when I saw the logo. I don't know anything about the industry so I cannot comment on how appropriate the idea is, but I love the execution.

Tats Me! Dec. 07 '08

Cool combo indeed!

onesummer Dec. 07 '08

@Type08, congrats on the feature spot. you've got some great concepts. out of curiosity though, how many of your logos are in use by real clients? I tried Googling a lot of them, but did not find any information, not even on ones that you show as trademarked or that have '.com' (maybe i'm not looking in the right places?). I also noticed you have a third of your uploaded logos on sale at incspring. So do you design for actual brands/clients or just design for brands you make-up and then try to sell them? Don't get me wrong, I love a lot of your work%3B however, it's been my experience that it's easier to design for made-up brands than it is for existing brands/ real-world clients. anyway, keep up the good work! I'd just love to see how some of your work has been used in marketing, etc.

Type08 Dec. 07 '08

@ Artist, Dalius, TM: thank you people!*@ Onesummer: Thanks a lot! Well, thanks for noticing that also. One third of my portfolio is made for real clients from my country, but I come from Croatia an a lot of them don't have exposure of that kind (it's sad to say this but most of them don't even have their own website). One third I made for the IncSpring and those are original brands/logos made just for sale. And one third is fictional, training, exercise, experiment but with the aim of showing the way that I work. At this moment I have 8 international projects: 5 from USA, 1 from Egypt, 1 from Singapore and 1 from Denmark and I'll post all of them very soon (you can already find few from The Netherlands and USA in my showcase), so, as many designers here do, I'm also using this great opportunity called LogoPond to communicate not just with fellow designers like you, but with possible future clients to.

raja Dec. 08 '08

Congrats on making it as the featured designer on LogoPond, saw this coming. Great work.

LoGoBoom Dec. 08 '08

Ditto what raja said! Congrats.

firebrand Dec. 08 '08

Ditto what Glenn said - well done Alen.

fogra Dec. 08 '08

Ditto, ditto, ditto...

logoholik Dec. 08 '08

Ditto here. Somebody called me? Cheers!

oronoz ® Dec. 08 '08

Congrats Alen!! n_n

nido Dec. 08 '08

yeah Raja saw it coming... Raja is Will Smith.

logomotive Dec. 08 '08

Yeah congrats Alen :-)*In regards to this mark, I'm curious as to why you did not cut the earphones in half at the circle? Looks good though just wondered if you thought of that.

epsilon Dec. 08 '08

Congrats, Alen. You now have pretty much nothing left to achieve in this life :)

Brandsimplicity Dec. 08 '08

Congrats on the feature Alen.Keep rocking them out brother.

Type08 Dec. 08 '08

@ Raja, LoGoBoom, Roy, Sean, Oronoz, Nido: thanks a lot for all the support guys!*@ Mike: it is still letter C... %3B)*@ Epsilon: thanks dude, but I just got started! *@ Fabian: where have you been my friend? Thanks a lot buddy!

Type08 Dec. 08 '08

Ups, skipped Bojan and Smartinup! Thank you guys!

wilsonink Dec. 09 '08

this one is amazing! :)

Brandsimplicity Dec. 10 '08

Your most welcome Alen!I went to the darkside(webdesign),it payed off the client has just signed off on it.Oh how I love the US dollar at the moment:)**

Type08 Dec. 10 '08

Hehe, me to my man, me to. Checked the link, nice job! Me like!

NeilMcDonald Dec. 10 '08

Add my congrats to the list mate, it gotta feel real good! All the best :)

Muamer Dec. 10 '08

Ditto, ditto, ditto... :-)*@Nido: LOLOL, maaaaaan :D *Hej Alen, znaci ode ti u celebrities, ba :) Cestike susjed!

Type08 Dec. 11 '08

@ Neil, Muamer: yep, it does! Thanks fellas! :)

onesummer Dec. 11 '08

@Type08. thanks for the info! keep up the good work, bud.

Type08 Dec. 11 '08

No problem, One Summer! Thanks!

vld Dec. 12 '08

Congrats!%0D*Potpuno zasluzeno... Imas mnoooogo dobrih radova! Ovaj mi je samo jedan od omiljenih %3B)

Type08 Dec. 12 '08

Thank you, Vladimir!*Hvala ti puno! I ti takodjer, da krenem samo od Istocnih cuda... :)*

hyperborea Mar. 15 '11

This one is reallly coooool!

pjmaster Mar. 15 '11

So simple, but so strong!

Type08 Mar. 15 '11

Hyper and PJ, thanks peeps!


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