
by SeanHeisler • Uploaded: Mar. 12 '10 - Gallerized: Mar. '10


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Description: Terex Environmental Group is a hydrogeology consulting firm based in Calgary, Alberta providing environmental project management services to the energy sector.
As seen on: Sean Heisler
Status: Client work
Viewed: 14582

Lets Discuss

JoePrince Mar. 12 '10

This is my favorite of the bunch Sean, very memorable. Nice work!

ethereal Mar. 12 '10

Thanks, Joe! Thanks for the floats too, guys.

vexeen Mar. 12 '10

wow !!!!!*awesome work, like this very much**how you get this idea ?

mcdseven Mar. 12 '10

great Mark... i suppose its a sealion! type is apt aswell. good work overall.

ethereal Mar. 12 '10

Thanks, folks. Appreciate it.**@ vexeen: Thanks. Simple reduction of shapes based off my other concept. Seems like it would work well for them, has good meaning and would be unique in the industry. Have another version of this I'm working with too.

kathariney Mar. 12 '10

this lion is hot :)

milou Mar. 13 '10

Sean, Sean, Sean... Very cool my friend.

ethereal Mar. 13 '10

Wow, what a surprise to wake up to! Thanks a lot, everyone!

theartistt Mar. 13 '10

Very nice! I have a hydrologic logo in my profile as well. Nothing like this I assure you. Sure a lion's face has been done to death and the general shape may be reminiscent of other designs, but this is a wonderful and unique take that works well for the client and industry. I think you are totally safe with this design.

eziemac Mar. 13 '10

Certainly looks like a lion that's full of wisdom! Nice work, man

ethereal Mar. 13 '10

Trish, Euan, Tony, I appreciate it.

gijolas Mar. 13 '10

Peaceful lion, very nice :%5D

rudy hurtado Mar. 14 '10

Very nice and memorable.

ethereal Mar. 14 '10

Audrius, Saurabh, Rudy, Alena, much appreciated!

cchana Mar. 15 '10

the lion's face is really clever, really like how it works

ethereal Mar. 17 '10

Thanks, buddy, good to hear from you!

Type08 Mar. 29 '10

Floated but didn't comment... I love supersimplicity here, it takes skills to make a lion's head looking this cool with only 8 simple 'triangles' (no matter what some might think)... Well done Seanster!

ethereal Mar. 29 '10

Hey, thanks a lot, buddy. Believe it or not they are perfect quarter circles. Thanks!

Type08 Mar. 29 '10

Just marvelous, I can totally see a super hot website around this one... And as usual, T shirt my way (I am waiting for like 20 of them already %3B)

JoePrince Mar. 29 '10

%5EHaha Alen. You should start a site that sells t-shirts with designs exclusively from the Pond :)

Type08 Mar. 29 '10

JP, not a bad idea at all! Let's start a sub page here !!!! Daaaavvviiiiddddddd %3B)

Type08 Mar. 29 '10

It would take a double post IMO, you post one logo in 'view all' section to include it in your folio, and then you post it once again in the 'make/sell t shirt' section if you got an permission from your client (it would by any means be a nice ground for a cross promotion of your work and client's visual identity). By posting your work to a 't shirt' section you claim that it's yours and that you have a permission to use it that way (as on many submission administrated sites)...

ethereal Mar. 29 '10

Ha!, nice ideas! This would be great. Very cool! Oh, and unfortunately the client wasn't grooving on this design, thought it would make them seem aggressive (didn't catch my concept I guess).

Noetic Brands Aug. 20 '10

Outstanding design Sean. Love what you did with the cone shapes.

johnbayle Dec. 25 '10

Thanks for the awesome info you had given.

milou Dec. 26 '10

%5E Look at submission dates... Meh.

ethereal Dec. 26 '10

%5E I'm not seeing your point mister jones? You posted that design 3 months AFTER mine??? :) oops.

mister jones Dec. 27 '10

because you asked to let you know if someone had seen something like that before.

nido Dec. 27 '10

%5Eoperative word being %22before%22 %3B)... like, before he posted it.

mister jones Dec. 27 '10

excusez-moi, only saw this logo yesterday. Should have checked submission dates, my bad.

Sean Heisler Feb. 10 '11

UPDATE: This unused concept found a new home with Terex Environmental Group in Canada! They are also a hydrology company who stumbled upon this formally unused concept for a different hydrology, who became interested in acquiring it and we just completed working the mark into this new containment and married it with their existing wordmark.

Type08 Feb. 10 '11

What else to say but - gratz buddy!

Rokac Feb. 10 '11

Nice to hear that, congrats Sean:)

jerron Feb. 10 '11

And the client didn't revise it beyond recognition, awesome!

sean heisler Feb. 10 '11

Hey, thanks, guys, I appreciate it! Yeah, exactly, Jerron, ha ha, thankfully it went smooth!


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