by SeanHeisler • Uploaded: Sep. 09 '09 - Gallerized: Nov. '10
Ayasdi - Mapping Worlds of Data. Ayasdi (Cherokee Indian meaning "to seek") develops large scale visualization and exploration of data using clusters of commodity hardware computers. This innovative software is aimed at data analysts in diverse fields including but not limited to: biotech, retail, search engine optimization, Ad impression, clickstream, social and network data etc.
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Sean Heisler
Client work
Lets Discuss
Nice one, Sean! Very interesting mark! Maybe just a bit smaller type, because 'y' went under the line of the mark, making it little out of the balance IMO...
ReplyThis logomark is realy very nice. Yet, the tag line needs a little help%3B it's far, far too small. Hard to read at this size, let alone on a business card, embroidered on a t-shirt, or for use on a site.
ReplyThanks, guys. I couldn't agree more with both comments. Unfortunately this is the final mark, the type size/symbol relationship was dictated in part by the client. I suppose I could cheat it for the presentation here. %3B)
ReplyOk, guys, I reduced the size of the type. Really wished I could have convinced the client of this! :) Thanks for the floats, guys.
ReplyOuch! That would hurt as the designer. Man, I hate it when a client just doesn't 'get it.' I once had a client who didn't get it, so to drive my point home, I printed a business card with the 'micro-sized' type....and it looked like a fuzzy horizontal line, the type was so small! LOL!
Reply....they 'saw' my point after that, heh heh. Type size was never an issue after I was able to show them that. %0D*%0D*It's always about trust with clients%3B sometimes it's given from the start, sometimes it takes moments like that one. It's a dance, in a manner of speaking. %0D*%0D*Nice work, type issue aside, ethereal.
ReplyProud to announce this will be featured in LogoLounge 6.
Replylove this one, Sean.*congrats on the Logolounge feature.
ReplyVery strong mark!
Reply%5E...not forgetting the type
ReplyGreat colors, not sure about the type.
Replyfeels dated.
Reply@tconrad: hmm, why are you against logos that get into the gallery? this one is so modern and appealing.*congrats, ethereal!
ReplyThanks for the kind comments and the gallery spot, folks, I appreciate it!
Replyliked it the first time I saw it.. Liked it here as well :)
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