
by SeanHeisler • Uploaded: Mar. 08 '12


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Description: Mark for an educational web site that offers free multiple choice questions in various categories from anatomy to geography to vocabulary. The brain is an "m" letterform and the lower portion of the head is an upper case "R."
As seen on: Sean Heisler
Status: Client work
Viewed: 9611

Lets Discuss

ColinTierney Mar. 08 '12

type fits perfectly with this. i know this is a done deal, but have you tried a horizontal alignment with the mark and type? maybe you can apply some variations with this.

ColinTierney Mar. 08 '12

i should also mention that i think it looks great as is...

Type and Signs Mar. 08 '12

amazing work Sean ... very nice clean style ... like it !

Sean Heisler Mar. 08 '12

Thanks, guys! There is a horizontal version as well, yes. The way the client designed his web site the space he allowed for the logo it called for a vertical version of the logo like this and so I decided to post what will be the most used version. Typically I don't like centered symbol over upper and lower type but somehow I felt it worked fine here. Maybe I should post the horizontal version for fun?

Sean Heisler Mar. 08 '12

As requested, horizontal version. :)

effendy Mar. 08 '12

Totally outstanding work!

Sean Heisler Mar. 08 '12

Ali and Saurabh, thanks so much, fellas!

Type08 Mar. 08 '12

Clever brain shape! You see what I did there %3B)

Sean Heisler Mar. 08 '12

Ha! Thanks, Alen! Nikita, great to hear from you, glad you like it, thanks!

pjmaster Mar. 09 '12

Smart logo! I have no doubt.

Sean Heisler Mar. 09 '12

Thanks, jovan, I appreciate it!

Sean Heisler Jan. 14 '13

Thanks, Breez. But funny you say that, the client in this particular situation was integral in the overall design concept here, he pushed me to make the brain an M and the face an R.


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