Design to Feel Logo

by SamDeMastrie • Uploaded: Sep. 15 '11


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Description: I'm not sure why I really did this, mostly for fun I guess. When I made my original logo, I never paired it with any type so I wanted to see how it could work. And I'm not really happy with "design to feel", I'd rather just go by my own name (Sam DeMastrie), but this makes more sense with my hand logo. What do you guys think?
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Viewed: 10664

Lets Discuss

ColinTierney Sep. 15 '11

nice same. always liked the hand icon and i think the type matches nicely. i would love to see you try and work an 'SD' monogram at some point.

nathantrafford Sep. 15 '11

I think it will finally get into the gallery since there seems to be a silly rule here that there has to be type in the mark for it to be any good. That being said... this is nice %3B)

Bernd Sep. 15 '11

clean identity ... brilliant work!

nickhood Sep. 15 '11

This looks great with text

designtofeel Sep. 15 '11

Thanks guys, glad to get the positive feedback.

hanuman shakti Sep. 17 '11

yes indeed nickhood....looks great with text :)

balic Sep. 29 '11

Great looking logo and very good claim to go with it.*


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