Aim Beyond

by OcularInk • Uploaded: Jul. 24 '07


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Description: A blast from the past!! This is one of the first logos I ever created (with a little help from my buddy Jared over at
Status: Client work
Viewed: 8081

Lets Discuss

firebrand Jul. 24 '07

A fine vintage kev, bet you didn't draw this with a Rapidograph. %3B)

OcularInk Jul. 24 '07

HAHA!!! A Rapi-what? Old man!! :-P

firebrand Jul. 24 '07

Thought so, bet you didn't even need to dirty your hands on a Mac Classic.

admarcbart Jul. 24 '07

I did!!!! Man I remember learning Illustrator 88!!! HAHAHAHA!

firebrand Jul. 24 '07

Aha, a true veteran. 88 eh? Lol! Can't believe the Classic had about 2mb of RAM and a 40mb hard drive!

OcularInk Jul. 24 '07

Holy geez!! My first computer was a single processor G3 with a 15%22 flat screen. I seriously don't know how you guys did it back then. I feel so young. Well, at least you both still have your health? Not so sure about Bart. Lol!!

nido Jul. 24 '07

i dont care when %26 how you did this dude.. this is sooo sweet!!!

AdmarcBart Jul. 24 '07

Ok now come on. Im only 27! Man you make me out to be the old guy. You can still find a Classic on ebay!

firebrand Jul. 24 '07

Bloody hell it's like kindergarten. I'll shut up.

OcularInk Jul. 24 '07

@ nido : Thanks, my man!! :D**@ AdmarcBart : Oh dang, I'm only 2 years behind you. And you know I'm just messin'.**@ firebrand : LOL! We'll end it on that note. :-P

firebrand Jul. 25 '07

@ Climax. LOL Is that the Sears Tower?

firebrand Jul. 27 '07

I agree smartinup. Best to nail the ideas on a layout pad first.

OcularInk Jul. 27 '07

Does sketching count (for the young lads)? :)

firebrand Jul. 27 '07

Of course unless you use a Wacom tablet. %3B)

admarcbart Jul. 27 '07

HAHA!! I still sketch, thumbnail, and use my WACOM. I guess I just like all angles of the design process.

firebrand Jul. 28 '07

Don't get me wrong, I use the Wacom (although I struggle with it at times) *I think we all start with thumbnails's the only way to brainstorm an idea.

OcularInk Jul. 28 '07

Yeah, I struggled with it too. Gave it up in a matter of seconds. :-P

nido Jul. 28 '07

lol.. i used a wacom for the first time the other day.. (i dont own one but was in the apple store %26 decided to give it a shot) i must admit i think its cool.. but i found it a pain initially to be looking in one direction while drawing in another... but heheh... my sketches caused quite a stir... i had a little audience impressed by what i was doing lol.. until another designer came over (who was well acquainted with the device) %26 put me to shame... the moral of the tale... **I have no friggin idea.


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