
by OcularInk • Uploaded: May. 22 '07 - Gallerized: Jul. '07


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Description: BiblioFile is a content management system aimed at web developers and publishers.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 11049

Lets Discuss

nido May. 30 '07

hey kev, i like the mark on this one better, maybe a stronger color though? im not feelin the pale orange... good work though bro:)

senterbrands May. 30 '07

Hey Doc Oc.... I like the mark but I do not like the Interstate Condensed font. Seems a little overpowering to me, and the mark gets lost then.

dreamerworx May. 30 '07

Maybe if you try to simplify the mark just a bit? Maybe just one flying page on the right side? Very pretty though :)

OcularInk May. 30 '07

@ nido : Thanks bro! I'm glad you like the mark. This is actually the final concept. I'm in the process of working out the color and layout. So far, the client is liking more of a centered approach. I'll post up the final soon.**@ senterbrands : I hear you on the font, but a condensed font was specifically requested. Also, I loved how the slants (lowercase B and L)of Interstate matched up with the angles of the mark. We are exploring other options, but ultimately, I am going to incorporate those slants in. Any ideas on a nice condensed font?**@ dreamerworx : I appreciate your feedback. The mark has already been finalized and approved by the client. So, it won't be changed. But I am glad you like it.**Thanks to all of you for your expertise!! I appreciate it. :-)

guinn Jul. 03 '07

This is really great. I do like that green but I'm not feeling it. (Lately green to me screams %22organic!%22 or something along those lines.) Maybe like a purple or something?**I just realized how long ago this pos was. Oh well. Great logo!

leo Jul. 04 '07

nice logo... clear and simple...

kartno38 Jul. 13 '07

I must apologise for this question in advance but I must ask it:**What is 'mark'

OcularInk Jul. 13 '07

Thanks guys!**@ kartno38 : I've always thought it was short for trademark. It's the part of the logo that can stand alone. In this case, it would be the book image. :)

kartno38 Jul. 16 '07

Thanks very much Ocularink.

ChrisG Nov. 18 '07

I really love this logo.**When I saw the name it immediately made me wonder if it was a new competitor to %3Ca href%3D%22 Thing%3C/a%3E.**Are they going to buy the URL off of these name squaters?**%3Ca href%3D%22**It's a good name, too.

lumo Jun. 18 '10

Just saw this fro the first time, I really like this design. Great work, like usual.

OcularInk Jun. 18 '10

You're welcome, kartno38. Thanks, Chris. Not sure about the URL. If they could get their hands on it, that would be nice. Thanks, James (lumo).


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