by Logomotive • Uploaded: Oct. 17 '09 - Gallerized: Jun. '14
Logo I created for my font "Iron Horse" which was completed but never made it to the market.
Client work
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Kinda had the feeling it was yours before i clicked it. haha maybe cause of the smooth black lines on white backgrounds? love the horse
Replynice horse, nice font - good work
ReplyThanks Lecart and gizm0
Replyawesome font! and name!
Replywhy didn't it make it to the market, it looks like it would sell easily
ReplyThanks Sneh.*Sean, well it was done for LHF and Chuck wanted it a little %22Beefier %22 I got a little discouraged by that and have done nothing since...
ReplyBeautiful, beautiful, beautiful, type, mark n lines
ReplyThanks, Thanks, Thanks, dbunk %3B)
ReplyHello, can you change the name and number - I need a logo for a horserelated company?
Reply%5EAbsolutely, This was done just for a typeface I developed (not in use). Feel free to email me.
ReplyOr would you rather me do it here and show you first :)
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