by Logomotive • Uploaded: Oct. 24 '08 - Gallerized: Dec. '08
an apparel logo what do you see?
Nothing set
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Haha you clever ole boy!
ReplyReally great ! One of those smart logos I'd wish you had designed! However I would look at reducing the thickness of the 'P's frontal curve. Great job!
ReplyZUP? Haha, just kidding! :)
ReplyThanks yeah it's a work in progress. I originally had the zipper at a perspective and it formed the Z perfect but this forms the I better, may go that route. Thanks.
Replyas always... simple, clean and creative. wow
Replyyou could use more lines on the making of the 'I' to resemble more like a zipper.
Replyprobably the finest designer on the net!... just need to sort out the duck though bro %3B)
Replyclever logo :)
Replysmarty pants
Replyoooh thats clever :D
ReplyNailed it!
ReplyZippiddy doo dah Zippiddy day, my oh my what a beautiful day!**thanks guys.
ReplyGood work logo :)
Replylove it dude!*simple and really easy to understand and remember
ReplyGreat concept
Replythat's elite.
Replynicely done.
Replyreally great job, must have missed this one
ReplyI like it!
ReplyAmazing !
Replymany thanks!
Replythis is fab! simple clean and clever!
Replywow! Brilliant, fantastic showcase.
Replytruly great work
ReplySimply great. Too bad ZIP discs are not around that much, hey could use a rebrand %3B)
Replyinsanely beautiful ***CHEERS
ReplyTHANKS! all.**Cheers
Replymuy padre y muy entendible, excelente logo (geat work)
ReplyFFFFOUND! Nice one Mike!
Replyone of the best logos I've even seen!
Replytypo - ever not even
ReplyThanks a bunch.
ReplyReads very easy.
ReplyThanks Thief, you stole admix mark
Replyhey Momentummagazine, what the hell are you doing with Joe's mark? explain yourself.
Reply%5E%5EHaha! Just borrowing it.
Replyhaha good man Joe.. your a very generous man, now can I borrow your mark for the weekend? Need to impress a couple of clients...!**PS - there's a enough thievery around here already! %3B)
Reply%5EHaha sure, just have it back by 7! :)
Replyi would add that %22thing%22 (don't know the name of it because of my english) for zipping that would be also a dot above (now invisible) latter %22i%22 which than would be visible.
ReplyThanks Peter, I had that %22thingy%22 :) in another design. Just thought this was simpler.
ReplyThis is beautiful design :)
ReplyOk I dig all of your stuff. You're seriously making me nervous.
ReplyThanks Davishama.*Thanks Joseph, I feel the same about your work :)
Replylegendary logo.. wow
Replyhard candy!
Replyawesome! awesome! very creative idea!
ReplyThanks everyone, this puppy is Sold.
ReplyDefinitely on the clever side of the spectrum. Fantastic job! One of my favorites.
Replysimple smart!
Replylegend )
Reply^..Wait for it...Dary
ReplyWould you be kind and upload this logo on deviant art too ! Its place should be in our featured art gallery
ReplyHi, i'm interesting at your works. I need a logo for my company, can we work on it? Thanks in advance.
Reply@DavidDC Hi David I sent you an email. Thanks!
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