expanding sands

by Logomotive • Uploaded: May. 20 '08 - Gallerized: May. '08


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Description: expanding sands logo
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Viewed: 8042

Lets Discuss

OcularInk May. 21 '08

Great to have you back, Mike. Nice work as usual.

nido May. 21 '08

very nice... are those 'e's as well as an 's'... still one of my favourite logo designers!

firebrand May. 21 '08

Thare's something quite tranquil about thizzzzzzzzzz

logomotive May. 21 '08

Thanks Hobbs, I say purdy with a lil country draw.*DOC, thanks back for a sec or two,, wifee hates me here.*nido, well I tried to do it %22nido%22 style but said oh well just add an e/s wave and sand together (client wanted a wave and sand). thanks bro.*Roy Boy, sorry to bore you LOL!!

chanpion May. 21 '08

Mikey! Same problem with my wife too.%0D*%0D*Love the typeface mate. Another of your customs? Cheers man.

logomotive May. 22 '08

Thanks Norm,,oh wife's coming gotta go.


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