
by Logomotive • Uploaded: Apr. 02 '10 - Gallerized: Apr. '10


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Description: Griffen Electric = A griffin with tail and tongue conveying electrical. WIP..
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 23602

Lets Discuss

JoePrince Apr. 02 '10

It looks really nice Mike, just feels like the bottom type was a an afterthought. It doesn't flow in well with the rest IMO.

logomotive Apr. 02 '10

Thanks Jerron. Ok thanks Joe.

Mikeymike Apr. 02 '10

another great one, Mike. two thumbs up big time.

itsgareth Apr. 02 '10

Looks perfect as is :)

vld Apr. 02 '10

Good work, as usual. I think that there is no need for that plug though.

logomotive Apr. 02 '10

Thanks guys, yeah I kind of like the break of type here. The tail directs you to electrical. I think it fits ok.*VLD, thanks but don't you think it adds a bit more personality and purpose than some ordinary crest type Griffin logo? I think the those two subtle things is what makes it unique.

vld Apr. 02 '10

Frankly, I didn't noticed the tail until I read the description... The tongue is enough IMO.

mcdseven Apr. 02 '10

solid work mike, tail is a nice touch, only grip is I would like to see a bigger bolt coming from the mouth thought it would probably unbalance it.

ethereal Apr. 02 '10

Hmmm, the plug is great, not seeing an issue.

logoboom Apr. 02 '10

great subtle volt on the tongue!

pierro Apr. 02 '10

Visually you can do better.

chirp Apr. 02 '10

The tail and tongue read great. Congrats, this will do well.

Chad Sanderson Apr. 02 '10

Visually it looks amazing. The tongue and tail are perfect. A clever twist doesn't have to scream at you from 100 miles away. This serves it's purpose perfectly.

raja Apr. 02 '10

wow - beautiful!**Even if I didn't have clients with 'unique strong names like this' I would much rather wish for your skills**Joe, mike is not really an afterthought kind of guy

JF Apr. 02 '10

I was just reading up on griffen/gryphon lore the other day, ironically. Thing is, when it comes to illustrating them...they have lion's paws for their rear-half. At the moment, if I didn't see the word 'Griffen' there, I may have just thought this was a falcon, or an eagle. Due to the bottom half not resembling lion's paws, but ordinary talons. Otherwise, superb illustrative work so far. Also, love the type as-is, great contrast. Don't touch the type.

raja Apr. 03 '10

JF - the hind quarters, the lion half, might be out of view as this is front on, in that case, it would make sense to depict the talons...also this hybrid is electric, times have changed since ancient asia!

Logomotive Apr. 03 '10

Thanks for the comments guys.*JF Raja's right kind of a hybrid version, but I made some subtle changes based on comments. So now everyone is happy %3B)

JF Apr. 03 '10

Good point, Raja. The reason I assume that is the bottom-half, tho, is because if where the tail/cord comes from. It puts the body of the beast almost stitting down, on its tail. As a result, the %22G%22 is the under-belly, the chest area even. What might be an enhancement to this illo is to have two talons grasping the %22G%22 on the upper corners of the crest/chest, and have the two feet that are currently drawn look more like paws. Also, because there is a lack of two sets of feet here, to make a true impact of gryphon anatomy, this creature must have both sets showing. Otherwise, it visually can only make the viewer assume a gryphon/griffin is some breed of bird. What is unseen is unknown to the uninitiated. Again, great work so far.

Logomotive Apr. 03 '10

Guys, it's a WIP.. give me a little bit :)

firebrand Apr. 03 '10

Since when did a hexagon become a sextagon? %3B)**Very nicely balanced Miguel. No-one can do this kind of logo like you, apart from Vonster maybe.

Logomotive Apr. 03 '10

Thanks Roy and everyone for your comments. I really do appreciate hearing but you know what? I cannot please everyone. As you can see I listen but every little change I make, I must change everything in the design. Thus ruining the integrity of the logo. We don't want a Frankenstien logo :) I have been back on forth on this and going to sit on this for now. Cheers.

ethereal Apr. 03 '10

%5E Good point Roy, Mike and Von have great ability for these kinds of things. Great work, Mike.

eziemac Apr. 03 '10

Sure is a beauty, Mike

siah-design Apr. 03 '10

This is fantastic bud.

epsilon Apr. 04 '10

This is totally bad ass.

OcularInk Apr. 05 '10

You are the wing master!

logomotive Apr. 05 '10

Thanks for the comments and help guys. This was the original design, The angles are sharper and not as smooth. just has a different feel.

oronoz ® Apr. 05 '10

Both looks Awesome Mike!!

logomotive Apr. 05 '10

Thanks Alan, I appreciate that.

JoePrince Apr. 05 '10

Like the arrangement of type a lot better now Mike, solid work.

Logo Design Monster Apr. 07 '10

Love this logo. Looks like you have perfected the design now so will be adding to favorites plus floating. Great work.

j-CAZ Apr. 07 '10

Amazing. It'd be interesting to see some color on this.

Art Machine Apr. 07 '10

Solid. %22GRIFFEN%22 looks a little distorted though.

december.jy Apr. 07 '10

another great logo. nice job.

logotivity Apr. 08 '10

yea I like this one, this one just seems to flow a little better.. they're both great, but you know that :)

logomotive Apr. 16 '10

Thanks ya'll. Julian, I agree just have not uploaded fixed version.

logomotive Jun. 24 '11

Thanks Mekeman and Orca Design.

climaxdesigns Jul. 24 '13

SMH, people always think they can get over

Logomotive Jul. 24 '13

Thanks Michal. it may not be a blantant rip but def. inspired by. Also check out Day 27, same concept as VLD see 6th comment here :)

rivington design house Nov. 02 '14

This is actually very very good. Your should be proud of this one. Really stands out.


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