Lemon Hawk

by LloydCreative • Uploaded: Mar. 17 '10 - Gallerized: Mar. '10


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Description: Logo and name concept for boutique winery
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 11498

Lets Discuss

alterego Mar. 17 '10

interesting illustration .. i love this

BigAl67 Mar. 17 '10

Thanks Shylesh... appreciate the float and kind words.

Mikeymike Mar. 17 '10

like the illustration style. very unique look. fits a winery boutique.

BigAl67 Mar. 17 '10

Appreciate the float and comment Mikey. Thanks.

cerise Mar. 23 '10

Cool nice work AL

nitish.b Mar. 23 '10

i dont get the concept at all...am i missin somthin?

milou Mar. 23 '10

%5E I'm not getting it either. (?)

bilebo Mar. 23 '10

I'm gonna go with a %22I love it! What is it?%22 :)

tdf Mar. 23 '10

What's the reasoning for the lemon? Does all the wine have a lemony bouquet?

BigAl67 Mar. 23 '10

Thanks for the floats and interest folks. The name is a brand concept for a very small winery that has a hawk as a regular visitor to the property, who for some reason enjoys hanging around one of the few lemon trees on the estate. So, with a need to be memorable in a market over saturated with geographical place names (think 'Something something Creek', 'Whatchama-callit Hill' or 'Mount Forgettable') a brand that showed some originality, a degree of relevance to the property itself and a desire to be a little bit quirky among the formality of so many starchy, tired wine labels, was what drove the name Lemon Hawk as one of a few options to explore. Others include 'The Tuning Shed', 'StagVane' and 'UNYUN' - all of which have some meaning relating to the history and the owners of the estate. Believe me, when you have seen as many labels as I have, it's a relief to have something that allows a degree of creativity to be explored that goes beyond the usual bucolic pastoral scenes or historic buildings.

oyunlar Jul. 18 '10

nice work cool logo

BigAl67 Jul. 24 '10

Thanks for looking in Oyunlar - appreciate the comment.


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