Pinoli Nuts

by LloydCreative • Uploaded: Mar. 04 '09


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Description: Logo designed for client who, in the end, decided to not see my concepts in favour of having a director's sister complete the work.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1886

Lets Discuss

Paul Rand Mar. 08 '09

This is a great mark.*One thing I would change is the pine nuts font by using*a sans serif all upper case.*Sorry to hear about your outcome. How did their version turn out?

BigAl67 Mar. 08 '09

Thanks for the comment Paul. Not sure what the final outcome for the client was or if it has even been finalised yet. I'm over it now.

LadyGrey Nov. 13 '11

excellent sign, but type need redesign

BigAl67 Nov. 14 '11

Thanks for your thoughtful appraisal Lady Grey.


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