by LloydCreative • Uploaded: Oct. 15 '08 - Gallerized: Nov. '09
Second logo concept for company that specialises in the management of forestry.
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Lets Discuss
Even without tagline I can see 'fast forward' sign... Very good!
Replybut doesn't a horizontal tree resemble a fallen tree, like logging? Seems to me a negative connotation on what your client does.
ReplyForest management also involves the felling of diseased, failed trees and the thinnings of healthy trees for forest sustainability. So the logo fits perfectly well in my opinion.
ReplyHey guys - thanks for the comments. Fogra, you are right on about the felling of trees, hence the stylised pine on its side imitating the fast forward symbol. This is a deliberate image because more importantly for this company, these are pine forests specifically grown for harvest - ie planted and managed for maximum growth, then felled and milled. The 'growth' mentioned in the tagline speaks not only of the tree's natural growth, but also the growth that forest owners will experience in their profit margins.
Replyah, thanks for the clarification. makes sense now. Nice logo BigAl67.
Replygreat one :)
ReplyComes together perfectly, conceptually and visually!
ReplyVery nice idea
ReplyThanks Jan. And thanks for looking in on so much of my work. Appreciate it.
ReplyWow Big Al. Great concept
ReplyClever one, Al.
ReplyI Do agree, good concept
ReplyI Do agree, good concept, congrat for being in the gallery
Replywell thought off
Replybeautifully executed, well done!
ReplyAnd still, you have one of my favorite portfolios on Logopond. Now, when do we get to see more? :-)
ReplyGreat concept and execution.
ReplyThanks guys... comments from such a talented group mean a whole lot. Much appreciated.
ReplyGreat logo Al. Great concept, well executed and nice to see a serif face used. *P.S. Sorry for the delayed comment... thought I'd done it already!?!
ReplyChris - thanks for the float and comment. Was it you that did the design work on the recent 'Refresh' day seminar for Homeschooling mums in Nelson? My wife attended and I could tell someone who had a few clues had been involved in the graphic design - from memory there was something on the printed material that made the link to you. Nicely done.
ReplyI really like it! The idea and colors%3B)
ReplyThanks Martin - appreciate your kind words.
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