Biking Nelson

by LloydCreative • Uploaded: Jun. 13 '08 - Gallerized: Jun. '08


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Description: Logo for guided mountain biking operation in Nelson NZ.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 6393

Lets Discuss

sdijock Jun. 13 '08

Cool in a retro kind of way. Your colors tend to vibrate a bit though.

BigAl67 Jun. 13 '08

Thanks for the comment... the colour combination was chosen to give some visual punch, but importantly remain legible - I think it does that and adds to the slightly offbeat, retro theme.The brown also is reflective of the mountain biking environment while the bright blue, almost aqua colour, represents the waters of Tasman Bay that surround the Nelson region.

logotivity Jun. 13 '08

I love doing logos like these..%0D*%0D*I wonder what it would look like if the inner circle of the gear had a inner brown(background color) circle..%0D*%0D*just a thought.. nice job.

gthobbs Jun. 13 '08

Love it. Wonder if the pinch detracts from it feeling like a smooth chain run.


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