by JoePrince • Uploaded: Aug. 31 '10 - Gallerized: Aug. '10
WIP for a website all about beer related information. Mark contains E, B, and beer bottles.
Client work
Lets Discuss
Nice mark Joe:)
ReplyAs I said on the Facebook! %3B)
Replyclever Joe ....
Replyi do embrace beer, so like this. nice, joe. :)
ReplyThank you all. I also love a nice fine ale :)*@Alen, I tried different positions/angles with the mark and found this to be the best solution. In other iterations, the E and B were not as apparent. With this layout they are clearly visible and also the beer bottles pointing towards the type have nice lead into it and brings everything together. Cheers!
ReplyReally nice mark, Joe!
ReplyThank you Ali!
ReplyOh Boy! now I want some, thanks JOE! nice mark.
ReplyGreat Mark Joe!!
ReplyNice one! Making me wish for a James Page right about now.
ReplyHaha cheers fellas! Now that you mention it, I'm kind of thirsty too...
Replynice tony can you send me one? :)
Replyah beer, is there anything it cant do? Solid work Joe.
ReplyGood thinking Joe!
ReplyWell if you're sending Mikey one I'd appreciate if you could send one my way also! :P*Thanks Paul and Nikita...appreciate the feedback.*
ReplyAwesome Joe! You nailed this one.
Replynice one joe. always appreciate good use of negative space.
ReplyJoe my man, that's some good stuff. Makes me kinda thirsty.
ReplyAnthony WTF!? only TYSKIE. Z POLSKI!
ReplyI really like this concept %5E%5E
Replyit coools.
ReplyGold, brother, gold!
ReplyNice and simple.
ReplyI appreciate the nice comments everyone. Client is very time to grab a nice cold one :)
ReplyHow smashed did you get on this project, the research must of been...hic...hic...I lOOVe ..U!
ReplySometimes, I let the beer embrace me...
ReplyHaha Fabian! Just as smashed as I get for every project...woops, I think I said too much :)**@Josh, I know what you mean.
ReplyGreat work
ReplyAppreciate it gents.
Replysome great thinking here, really nice!
ReplyReally nice Joe!
ReplyReminds me of this logo:**Looks nice tho! :)
ReplyVery clever, with professional execution, as always. Nice work Joe.
ReplyGreat work!!!*
ReplyThanks for the comments everyone :)
ReplySo lovely...tasty, classy design...
ReplyThank you logoses!
ReplyYeah, this is extremely well done.
Reply%5E%5EHey thanks you two!
ReplyHose, check the %60logos%60 section here
ReplyI just contacted the mother fucker to have my BarCode logo removed. Thanks, Srdjan.
ReplyWow, thanks for letting me know guys. Did you get in contact with them Sean?
ReplyVery Clever!
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