
by HelveticBrands • Uploaded: Oct. 12 '08 - Gallerized: Oct. '08


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Description: At AdmissionsGenius the goal is to help people get accepted into colleges. Until recently, they aided people apply to law schools but will be branching out to assist with college applications too. After discussion, I had found that they had helped the applicants with their analytical capacities, interpersonal skills and writing abilities. Using the tips of pencils, the ‘A’ initial was created. A key element to the logo design was that it appeal to both college applicants and parents whilst conveying a sense of professionalism.
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Status: Client work
Viewed: 5710

Lets Discuss

danny Oct. 13 '08

cool stuff :) didnt see the pencil tips on first look but after reading the brief you cant miss them.**

dache Oct. 13 '08

Thanks Danny %3B%5E)

wurdz Oct. 13 '08

Rich concept, poor font choice and typography.

revolvedesign Oct. 13 '08

great work, very smart making the A out of pencil tips... nice concept David.

gthobbs Oct. 13 '08

Nice concept. I with the outer angles aligned better for a smoother contour. I like though.

dache Oct. 14 '08

Thanks for the comments.

nido Oct. 16 '08

maybe it's just me but madonna ruined this logo about 20 years ago!... damn her!

ddd Oct. 16 '08

Being you had to explain it to get the symbol. I would not give this one a high rating at all. The font choice is not up to snuff either. Congrats on front page tho.

dache Oct. 21 '08

Thanks for the comments.*

dache Jun. 25 '09

Thanks very much Dalius


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