River Side

by DanDivin • Uploaded: Dec. 05 '12


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Description: logo house by the river
Status: Client work
Viewed: 3341
Tags: river home house side

Lets Discuss

Ubishere Dec. 05 '12

Good colours, nice style

hanuman shakti Dec. 06 '12

great...but I think you need to get rid off the border I guess :)

dandivin Dec. 06 '12

Thanks, friends, for your comments, do not quite understand what boundaries meant, background, or edge on the logo?

hanuman shakti Dec. 08 '12

I meant the blue color on the left and right side of the background. For me, it would be great when the audience could reach your logo without anything that would lowering the center point. I don\'t say that the blue color on the left and right side is a bad idea. just my opinion :) anyway great logo buddy! Love it! :)

type and signs Jan. 02 '13

color flash ... dig it !


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