
by Chanpion • Uploaded: May. 01 '07


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Description: This one was created for a kids' learning centre where they take extra-curricular courses to improve on their learning capabilities.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 2709

Lets Discuss

BOPOTA Oct. 18 '12

I do like your take on a lower case \" a \" with a silhouette of an apple made by a negative space. Apple in this case represent learning part of a concept.
What I see, also, is that by making a stem\'s line from the apple all the way up
could be develope into a child\'s face ( that stem\'s line could be viewed as a dividing hair line ) with an additon of two seeds placed inside the apple serving as two eyes... Also, you can add a smile, too. Perhaps, switching colors ( making apple red/rose/magenda ) may bring more play into it... I would make \" stute \" a bit smaller and change a font into a child\'s handwriting. Hope it will help... Good luck to you!


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