Atlantis Vision Studio

by BabbeyLynn • Uploaded: Jul. 22 '12


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Description: For my class i had to recreate the logo for this company.
Status: Student work
Viewed: 605

Lets Discuss

bryanlauer11 Jul. 23 '12

I like this one a lot better than the other one. The name of the company is Atlantis Vision and this shows that in the logo. I am not to sure about the small lines and how they are going to be able to work well when it comes to have to cut it out. I like the font and how it goes with it. I really don't think it needs any color at all. The black and white works great and I love the white space that you have made with it.

BabbeyLynn Jul. 23 '12

thanks for your great feedback!

lancegarcia Jul. 25 '12

brooke.i like the font, i like the illustartion. but i'm at a loss for knowing what this business is at a glance of this logo. i like the leading lines to the illustration in the middle. cheers.


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